Since Harvey?

Sienna Parks & Levee Improvement District Flood Control Projects
Complete Project List
Under Construction
In Design
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the residents of the District voted in an election on November 6, 2018, to authorize SPLID to issue $139 million in bonds for improvements to the levee and drainage system. The “Harvey Projects” include significant increases to pumping capacity, expansion of lakes and channels to increase storage capacity, and numerous other projects to harden the SPLID system against Harvey-like events.
This year SPLID will begin construction on the last of the Harvey Projects, and the Board anticipates those projects being completed in 2025. Details of each of the projects can be found by clicking on the map and links below, but in summary these projects consisted of:
- An increase of pumping capacity from 260,000 GPM to 1,200,000 GPM (a 360% increase in capacity). These improvements help us move rainfall out of our system faster when the Brazos River is above Action Stage.
- Added a new major outfall to the system. This improvement also allows us to move rainfall out of the District faster.
- Excavation of 2,700,000 cubic yards of lakes and channels, increasing storage capacity by 50%. These improvements allow us to hold more water in the lakes and channels and keep it out of roads and houses.
- Installation of 49 new flood gates creating redundancy in the system. These gates help us keep Brazos flood waters out of our system.
- Numerous operational improvements allowing the District’s operator to better manage the system during flood fighting operations.
When all of these improvements are completed, the system will be capable of handling a Harvey like event.